
Parramatta Riverkeepers Clean Up - George Kendall Riverside Park

Making Parramatta River swimmable again and ensuring it's as healthy and beautiful as can be for us to enjoy, all starts with each of us helping keep it litter free!

And there is a LOT of rubbish along the foreshore at George Kendall Riverside Park. It would actually have to be THE MOST LITTER POLLUTED spot (that's easily accessible) in the Parramatta River catchment area that we've found....and we've gone looking and done clean ups at lots of spots!

So we are digging in here for a while to make a significant dent on the amount of rubbish that has built up at the foreshore in Ermington and continues to collect here.

We'll meet monthly to ride the river of as much rubbish as possible - focusing on the easy pickings for now, while we work out a way to effectively remove the massive amount of small pieces of litter.

Its a long stretch of foreshore and we'll move our clean up site slightly each month to where there's the most litter.

We'd LOVE to have your help - many hands make light work! And we have a great, growing group of local families who regularly join us.

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